他話音剛落只聽那詭異的聲音再度飄向耳際回去告訴秦然秦卿本座帶走了??Monica teaches, Steve's a photographer. They've dated more than two years. They're arguing, and she leaves for her apartment, only to return in a few minutes to say they should stop seeing each other. A few days later, they're back together, but within two hours, he takes offense at an off-hand remark, and the separation starts in earnest. They see other people, then, out of the blue, Steve asks Monica to marry him. She says yes, and a time of ecstasy begins: they interview strangers, asking ...??因為一個電影角色東北二人轉(zhuǎn)喜劇演員小飛俠被劇組打雜的徐軻騙到上海小飛俠在黃埔江邊與清純美麗的話劇演員白鴿上演了一出“上海灘”邂逅在便利店里兩人重逢不幸遇到劫匪打劫小飛俠挺身而出保護白鴿失去了虎牙也失去了電影角色為了生存小飛俠做了替身演員被打得遍體鱗傷但片酬卻被徐軻克扣小飛俠的發(fā)小茍富貴從小把他當(dāng)成“大哥”許文強不滿他被欺負(fù)想打徐軻一頓出氣但是當(dāng)他們發(fā)現(xiàn)徐軻欠高利貸急需找反串演員給社會大哥表演慶生時小飛俠不計前嫌幫徐軻度過難關(guān)反串視頻發(fā)到網(wǎng)上意外走紅白鴿早就悄悄喜歡上了善良熱心的小飛俠發(fā)現(xiàn)他的反串才華勸他參加曲藝比賽但小飛俠卻因為對去世前女友的愧疚而堅持要當(dāng)演員在這個一波三折的本命年究竟山炮小飛俠能否在上海變成大明星能否和白鴿有圓滿結(jié)局呢??